Dear August
Dear August,
I hope you are well. You usually come to me right when one season is coming and another is going. I’m dying to know—what in my life is coming, and what is going? Whom shall I call to navigate such a time? A time where the grass is still green, water is still wet, and yet the school children rise before dawn to prepare for the day ahead. What a mix of times and trials.
When I look at all this, I’m not sure what to think. I’m not sure where to go. I’m not sure whether God’s word is going to build me up. I’m not sure I have it in me to succeed. I’m not sure this month will bring the progress I desire. So August, I look at you with a face of uncertainty.
Despite this, I know that uncertainty often brings growth. My uncertainty reminds me of The Parable of the Sower in the New Testament. I am like the seeds thrown in thorns. Despite knowing my purpose, I find myself succumbing to “worldly anxieties” that keep me and my dreams in a hole. God asks all of us to release the whims of the world so that we can embrace what She has in store for us. It is not easy, but I must trust that answering the call is far more rewarding.
So what is coming into my life and what is leaving? My fears must leave me in order for the seeds to be planted accordingly. I already know what action needs to be taken. The uncertainty I feel is fake. This month is about detaching from worldly anxieties. The time is now to be free. I pray for my soul this month. I pray that I can clear the errors to avoid the terrors. That’s all.
As the anxieties leave, their absence makes room for a prosperous future. A future where my spiritual obedience is honored. The more I embrace the path outlined for me, the more the seed grows. As the seed grows, so does my spirit. When my spirit grows, so does the material around me. I may have been bound by the shackles of Earth, but once I let go, I see that I am limitless.
Here’s to you, August. I close my eyes and breathe deeply. I exhale slowly. I am releasing control. I am releasing the worldly desires to embody that of the spirit. August is for planting seeds, watering them, cutting weeds, maintaining the soil, and watching the place bloom. This is how I know August will be a good month. Because I can just barely hear God whisper, “It’s time to start rolling.” And with that I bid you a great day and time. Time to shine.